- You are what you eat 人如其食
- Use your noodle 用用你的腦袋
- three square meals 豐盛的三餐
- goose would cooked 完蛋
- outside the box 創意思考
- rotten egg 臭雞蛋(壞小孩)
- eat like a horse 胃大如牛
- drive one's bananas 令人捉狂
- eat like a bird 食量極小
- couch potato 整天窩在沙發上
- early bird gets the worm 早起鳥兒有蟲吃
- all the tea in China 給某人再多錢都不願做某事
- health nut 非常注重健康飲食
- grain of salt 不要當真
- glass as half full 樂觀看待某事
- cool as a cucumber 保持冷靜
- apple of her eye 心肝寶貝
- bad apple 害群之馬
- stomach growling 肚子餓得咕咕叫
- eat my words 把說出口的話收回去
- good egg 好孩子
- eat like a pig 吃得像隻豬一樣
- stick to your ribs 吃得很撐
- green around the gills 害怕得想吐
- tough cookie 堅強的人
- nutty as a fruitcake 腦袋有問題
- two peas in a pod 臭味相投
- a cat that swallowed the canary 私底下做件暗自高興的事
- chicken out 臨陣脫逃
- as pleased as punch 非常高興
- Variety is the spice of life 人生就像百變的調味料,充滿變化!!