- Jul 13 Wed 2016 01:44
Edward心路歷程 by A班Linda
- Jul 13 Wed 2016 00:39
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 大意與心得 by A班Linda
- Jun 27 Mon 2016 14:18
- Jun 26 Sun 2016 16:23
BIG MEAN MIKE大意與心得 BY B班Carol和Tammy Huang
- Jun 18 Sat 2016 14:51
小氣財神 by B班 Brigitta
A humbug is a person or object that behaves in a deceptive or dishonest way, often as a hoax or in jest. The term was first described in 1751 as student slang, and recorded in 1840 as a "nautical phrase" It is now also often used as an exclamation to mean nonsense or gibberish.
When referring to a person, a humbug means a fraud or impostor, implying an element of unjustified publicity and spectacle. In modern usage, the word is most associated with a character named Ebenezer Scrooge, created by Charles Dickens in a book called "A Christmas Carol". His famous reference to Christmas, "Bah! Humbug!", declaring Christmas to be a fraud, is commonly used in stage and television versions of A Christmas Carol and also appeared frequently in the original book.
- Jun 18 Sat 2016 14:36
Humpty Dumpty & The Grand Old Duke of York ...by B班 Brigitta
- Jun 18 Sat 2016 14:33
梅杜莎 by B班 Brigitta
- Jun 18 Sat 2016 14:30
Super man by B班 Brigitta
- Jun 17 Fri 2016 18:33
The Giant Sandwich 大意&心得分享--B班
平靜的小鎮上飛來400萬餘隻黃蜂,居民們的生活不堪其擾,於是召開緊急會議商量解決辦法。麵包師傅想出個好方法,於是,居民們同心協力共同製作出一個超大吐司,吐司上的甜甜果醬將黃蜂引來,趁著黃蜂吃著甜甜的果醬麵包時,空中的直升機投下另一片麵包將黃蜂夾在麵包之中,哈哈~真的沒有漏網之魚嗎?? 沒問題,在打蜂3人組的緊追不捨下,居民們終於解除蜂患,快樂開心的開著 Party呢~~~ B班Grace