Gila Monster
美國毒蜥(學名:Heloderma suspectum)亦稱為希拉毒蜥或是鈍尾毒蜥,英文有「Gila Monster」之稱,因為希拉河盆地(Gila River Basin)而得名。美國毒蜥是世界上僅有的兩種毒蜥的其中一種〈另一種是墨西哥毒蜥〉,主要分布在美國西部,南部各州,以莫哈維沙漠(Mojave)為中心,延伸進入墨西哥。
Its snout-to-vent length is 26 to 36 cm (10 to 14 in). The tail is about 20% of the body size and the largest specimens may reach 51 to 56 cm (20 to 22 in) in total length. Body mass is typically in the range of 350 to 700 g (0.77 to 1.54 lb).
Distribution and habitat
Head with bead-like scales and strong forelegs and claws suitable for digging.
They inhabit scrubland, succulent desert, and oak woodland, seeking shelter in burrows, thickets, and under rocks in locations with ready access to moisture. In fact, Gila monsters seem to like water and can be observed immersing themselves in puddles of water after a summer rain. They avoid living in open areas such as flats and farmland.
Gila monsters spend 90% of their time underground in burrows or rocky shelters. They are active in the morning during the dry season (spring and early summer); later in the summer, they may be active on warm nights or after a thunderstorm. They maintain a surface body temperature of about 30 °C (86 °F). Gila monsters are slow in sprinting ability, but they have relatively high endurance and maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max) for a lizard. They are preyed upon by coyotes and raptors.
The Gila monster eats small birds, mammals, frogs, smaller lizards, insects, and carrion. The Gila monster feeds primarily on bird and reptile eggs, and eats infrequently (only five to ten times a year in the wild), but when it does feed, it may eat up to one-third of its body mass. It uses its extremely acute sense of smell to locate prey, especially eggs. Its sense of smell is so keen, it can locate and dig up chicken eggs buried 15 cm (6 in) deep and accurately follow a trail made by a rolling egg.